Monday, December 15, 2014

New Classes Available

I am so excited to announce that I have a NEW classes!
Now getting together and making a craft with you friends  is easier than ever. You pick the craft, send out the invites and give me your RSVP total and I show up with everything prepped and ready for you to make some thing brilliant!
Project Scale:
A- easy, fast, and very low stress
b - easy, a little more time consuming
c - moderate, takes over an hour
d - moderate, takes patience and closer to two hours
e - More difficult, time consuming, but well worth the effort!
The Daddy Night Light

Cost: $25 each
Class minimum: 6
Class Maximum: 25
 Project level: A
* I will need each RSVP to email me a jpeg file of their photo 3 days prior to the class.
Fire Cracker Blocks
Project Level B
Cost: $12 per project
Class Minimum: 12
Class Maximum: 35
Count Your Blessing Boards
Project Level: C
Cost: $ 25 per project
Class Minimum: 6
Class Maximum: 25
Large Pallet Art
Have another image in mind? Comment below I have many options!
Project level: D
Cost: $45 per project
Class Minimum: 6
Class Maximum: 12

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Jerie-Rigged 4 U is now in Alaska!

Oh, the joys of discovering the world on the whims of the Military! I never thought that I would be living in Alaska, much less LOVING living in Alaska. But here we are... and I do love it.
Now that I have had time to settle my family in and explore the wonders of this amazing state it is about time to start getting my craft back on!
Stay posted for new and exciting chances to make something amazing with out all the stresses of going at it solo!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

February 13th Craft Class

How to decorate your wall with fabrics.

Want to learn an easy, affordable, removable, and non-damaging way to make a large (or small) impact? Come and learn several ways to use fabric to decorate your walls; from “wall papreing” to decorative accents. Perfect for renters or for growing kids!
 Come perpared to get some hands on experience!

February 13th
7 pm

Cost: $5

Optional: If you would like to get started on your own project that night, contact me for a supply list.

Fabric covered notebooks and Valentine’s chocolates

NEW Class!

Need something a little special for a Valentine’s Day gift? These fabric covered notebooks have leather straps and flower accents. Combine it with a slider box set filled with Hershey’s nuggets!

Two chances; both at 7 pm
            Wednesday, January 30th 2013
             Thursday, February 7th 2013

Cost: $12 for the class and 1 set.
          Each additional set $6.

Have your own fabric? Bring and use it for a $2 discount!

Scroll down 3 postings for RSV details.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Valentine's Day Rag Wreath

Craft Class

Valentine’s Day Rag wreath


I am on a quest to have a wreath on my door all year long and in this class you can learn all the in and outs of how to construct a rag wreath. We will be using an 18” diameter frame so our finished size should be about 24 inches in diameter.

Two color options: pinks/white or pinks/white/greys

Thursday, January 17, 2013

7 pm

Cost: $24 per wreath

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Craft Class


L O V E   Blocks


Repeat after me: “I solemnly resolve to be even craftier this year.”

 This Valentine’s season, show off your love for crafting with these five blocks. The blocks come in two different heights (~2 x 6 x 8 and ~2 x 6 x 6) and are made with luxuriously textured cardstock and custom vinyl cut outs.

Date: Thursday, January 10
          7 pm

Cost: $15 per set

NEW! Crafting Classes

I am so excited to announce that Jerie-Rigged 4 U will now offer classes!
Come for an evening full of creativity, fun, and learning.
How it works:
Each class will have 8 spaces.
In each class we will create a specific craft and in doing so give you the skills needed to continue to create at home.
The small class size will allow for one-on-one help if needed.
I will provide all the needed supplies and tools unless otherwise noted in the "invitation."
In special cases I will need you to purchase a specific product - mostly fabrics - to suit your sense of style. In such cases I will provide specific dimensions and instructions.
ex. 3/4 yard of woven fabric - preferably cotton.
Reservations are made only upon payment of class fee.
Due to the cost of supplies our fee will not be refundable.  However, feel free to "sell" your spot to a family member or friend if you are unable to make it.
Payments can be done in person or online.
To pay online: Email me at; please mention the name of the craft you would like to do. I will send you an invoice which will allow you to pay using debt/credit card or a PayPal account.
To pay in person: Please e-mail me at for address and directions. Or you can prepay during a class session!